AntiquesDictionary of antiques

pod – Dictionary of antiques – Di Mano in Mano

The word we analyze today is: pod. How do you recognize this decorative element? How is it used? We recommend that you read all the way to find out everything you need to know. In addition you will find a little curiosity about the baccellatura!

What is the pod?

The pod is a decorative element. It is a convex unit of plant derivation, shell-shaped. In classical and Renaissance architecture it was widely used, particularly in the Ionic and Corinthian capitals.

Other Meanings of Pod

A.C. Quatremère de Quincy (1755-1849) explains how pod and its diminutive baccelle can also refer to “certain ornaments that are made on the edge of silver pottery, and the minute works of wood and sculpture“.

What is the pod?

When you find so many pods one in a row to the other then we talk about baccellatura. It is a decoration widely used in architecture but also in cabinet-making, silverware and on vases, urns and similar objects of different materials.

This type of decoration can be found mainly in cabinet-making on the forehead of chests and chests. Despite this, we want to show you an object of Italian manufacture present in our collection: an embossed copper basin .

On the body we can see the baccellatura and Greek ovum decorations. The final result is often, as in this case, a set of rounded shapes and more or less deep curves.

Curiosities about pods

Care must be taken with the use of this term. Many times it is called baccellatura the series of concave and parallel grooves, S-shaped, often present on the forehead of ancient sarcophagi. This definition, however, is wrong because it describes another type of decoration called strigilatura.

To discover all the other beautiful features of this decorative element come to our stores in Cambiago and Milan. In addition, we have over 4000 square meters of warehouses in Cambiago. You can visit them by appointment or whenever you want with our virtual tours!

Don’t forget to read all the other dictionary pages !

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Amo l'arte. Ho fatto ingegneria gestionale.
Amo l'arte. Ho fatto ingegneria gestionale.

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