Appuntamento numero sedici con il nostro Corner Mix, un tris di prodotti di modernariato scelti dal nostro catalogo di design del XX secolo.

Protagonista principale del nostro salotto è la poltrona Square, che probabilmente ricorderete perché ne abbiamo parlato approfonditamente le scorse settimane qui.
Progettata da Marco Zanuso nel 1962 per Arfelx, è declinabile anche in versione pouf e divano.
The internal structure is a metal, common practice at the time, the legs are made of wood with brass feet and the padding is made of fabric. We take this opportunity to inform you that at Di Mano in Mano it is possible to reupholster any type of upholstery, being able to choose from a vast catalog of fabrics. The processing is carried out by specialized and experienced craftsmen who have been collaborating with us for several years.

Next to the armchair, to store objects, books or vases, we thought that a modular wall-mounted modular bookcase was the ideal choice.
The bookcase has a panel that is fixed to the wall on which the various wall units can be arranged at will.
The essence of wood is a Teak veneer.

To give light to the environment we have inserted a lamp in opal glass and metal produced in the 60s. Thanks to the spherical bowl of opaque glass, it evenly illuminates the whole environment.

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