On our first Classic Monday in July, we want to offer you a pair of ceiling chandeliers.

These are two neoclassical illuminations, dating back to the late eighteenth century and whose origin is limited to the area of Genoa. The neoclassical taste is well recognizable both by the architecture of the chandeliers and by the decorative and ornamental details. The central stem is in fact in carved wood with plant and foliaceous motifs, entirely gilded with gold leaf.
From the central body depart six wrought iron arms, to support as many lights.
Typical are the medallions in gilded and embossed sheet metal that are located in the upper part, always supported by wrought iron arms, but with finer thicknesses. The sheet metal is finely worked with baccellated frames and phytomorphic motifs meticulously described, testifying to a great skill of the craftsman.
The central space is occupied by small mercury mirrors.

The entire structure is richly decorated with necklaces of glass beads, supported by flowers with glass petals and the central part always in sheet metal and other drops in colored glass. To create further movement there are pendants with a tapered, almost lanceolate shape, of different sizes.
Extremely elegant, these two chandeliers had to illuminate a large environment, such as a reception hall. The light of the candles had to be reverberated by the tinkling glass and mirrors, not only amplifying the lighting, but also creating scenographic games on the walls and ceiling.
Sumptuous lighting accessories, but at the same time elegant, our pair of chandeliers fully reflects the neoclassical taste spread in the second half of the eighteenth century. It demonstrates graceful patterns but of great decoration and impact.