Antiques Antique and Modern: Eclectic Soul. Dagli sgomberi alla vendita: il riuso come chiave dell'eclettismo della Di Mano in Mano tra antico e moderno. By paola26 June, 2023
Libri Traces of history: the storming of the Bastille A Summer in France and the 14th of July Celebration One summer, I was in France with my family, and we had the ... By Giulia16 May, 2023
Libri Emigrés: from the French Revolution to the Period of Terror The Treasure in the Castle Among a batch of books from the historic French castle of Ermenonville, a marbled cardboard binder, with a ... By Giulia16 May, 2023
Modernism & Design PLANET HAMBIENT XV In un ambiente caratterizzato da importanti tele classiche, inseriamo pezzi di design tra Matteo Grassi e la più famosa poltrona Cavour, By Paola Erre11 May, 2023
Modernism & Design Planet Hambient XIV And here we are at the fourteenth appointment with our Planet Hambient Blog. In this location, we present a living room with a ... By Paola Erre4 May, 2023
Modernism & Design Planet Hambient XIII Happy Thursday to all the users following our blog Planet Hambient. Here we are decorating a new space: a living room corner characterized ... By Paola Erre20 April, 2023
Modernism & Design Planet Hambient XII Good morning everyone and welcome back to the twelfth edition of our blog, Planet Hambient. Today we present the setting of a new ... By Paola Erre13 April, 2023
Non categorizzato A rainbow of colour: BLUE Il blu è il colore più amato: scopriamo perché. By paola2 April, 2023
Modernism & Design Planet Hambient XI Presentiamo un'elegante living room, con importante risvolto artistico segnato dalle opere pittoriche affisse. La modernità di tavolo e sedie, dallo stile impeccabile, si unisce ... By Paola Erre30 March, 2023
Modernism & Design Planet Hambient X Presentiamo una location industrial style, ideale per l'ambientazione dei nostri nuovi mobili e complementi. Un po' moderni e un po' antichi, creando legami ... By Paola Erre23 March, 2023