Design IconModernism & Design

Radiofonografo Brionvega, design with a smile since 1965

Questa settimana il nostro consueto appuntamento con l’Icona di Design raddoppia, in via eccezionale e per un prodotto eccezionale.

Incontro intorno alla poltrona Sanluca, Bologna 1959, ph. Masera

Achille e Pier Giacomo Castiglioni sono senza dubbio due dei più grandi nomi del design del XX secolo.
Le “creature” di questi fratelli geniali sono esposte in tutto il mondo, dalla nostrana Triennale, al MoMA di New York passando per il Victoria & Albert Museum di Londra.
Sono tantissimi i progetti rimasti nella storia del design, basti pensare alla poltrona Sanluca, alla lampada Parentesi oppure all’iconica Arco (alla quale abbiamo dedicato un approfondimento che potete leggere qui).

Today, however, our attention shifts to one of the most beautiful pieces of industrial design ever made by the Castiglioni brothers: the Radiofonógrafo RR 126 for Brionvega.

Designed in 1965, the radiofonograph is characterized by a style as unique as it is inimitable.
Designed by the Castiglioni brothers as an anthropomorphic object in which you can see the eyes, nose and mouth in adjustments and instruments and ears in speakers.

The product also plays with the modularity of its configuration, which can in fact be modified from time to time according to needs.
The speakers can be placed on top of the turntable to listen to the radio or on the sides to create a stereophonic effect not bad.

This wonderful design object has been loved and collected for over 50 years and has recently returned to production.

Among his most famous admirers (and owners) David Bowie, whose Brionvega Radiofonografo was auctioned by Sotheby’s in 2016, for the amazing sum of 257,000 pounds.

View of our shop from Cambiago

In our warehouses these days we have a beautiful specimen of RR 126, which will not have belonged to the real White Duke, but is for sale at human prices!

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I colleghi mi chiamano Baffo. Adoro giocare a calcio balilla in pausa pranzo e il design anni 50 e 60.
I colleghi mi chiamano Baffo. Adoro giocare a calcio balilla in pausa pranzo e il design anni 50 e 60.

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