In tutti questi mesi ci avete seguito in modo appassionato nel nostro appuntamento settimanale con l’antiquariato.
In our articles we have always presented a specific product, told in its production and in the cultural context in which it was born.
For Classic Monday today and next week’s Classic Monday we have decided to change the format slightly. Our insights will be linked to the videos conducted by our antique expert Enrico Sala, in the new format “Pills of furniture history” broadcast on Wednesdays on our youtube channel and on our Facebook page.
Starting from several articles exhibited in our headquarters in Cambiago, we will deepen their construction and their stylistic characteristics, trying to understand and explain more broadly the cultural and social dynamics of the time.
Art and furniture are always a mirror of an era and the events that characterize it: what man produces reflects what he is experiencing.
Here is the first episode, which features the Baroque and its transformations over the years.
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