Cassina LC1 Armchair Chromed Steel Leather 1970s

By Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Pierrand

Code: MOSEPO0273037

1,600.00 € *
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Cassina LC1 Armchair Chromed Steel Leather 1970s

By Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Pierrand

Code: MOSEPO0273037

1,600.00 € *
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Cassina LC1 Armchair Chromed Steel Leather 1970s - By Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Pierrand


By Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Pierrand

Designer:  Charlotte Perriand , Le Corbusier , Pierre Jeanneret

Production:  Cassina

Model:  LC1

Time:  1970s

Production country:  Meda, Italy

Material:  Chromed Steel , Leather


Iconic work and conversation chair with chromed steel frame, seat and self-supporting leather seat. Designed in 1928, the one proposed is a Cassina production from the 70s. With manufacturer's brand.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, shows small signs of wear. We try to present the real condition as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 65,5
Width: 60
Depth: 64,5

Seat height:  39

Additional Information


Charlotte Perriand

Charlotte Perriand is considered one of the founders of contemporary design and a French architect. After studying in Paris, he gained experience in the field of furniture design and furnishing, emerging at the Salon d'Automne. In 1927, Charlotte began a collaboration with Le Corbusier, with whom she created some furnishings that entered the history of design. In 1940, she was invited to Japan to give a seminar on the new design. After Japan entered the war, she managed to escape the war and returned to France in 1946. In the last years of his life he received many awards and decided to keep his atelier open.
Find out more about Charlotte Perriand with our insights:
LC4: Le Corbusier at the service of relaxation

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier (1887 - 1965), Swiss architect, urban planner, painter and designer. He is remembered in the history of contemporary architecture as a master of the Modern Movement. One detail that distinguishes it from the others is the use of reinforced concrete for contemporary urban architecture. He managed to make architecture a solution to the social needs of man. His works are recognized as a UNESCO heritage site.
Find out more about Le Corbusier with our insights:
LC6: functional equipment
LC4: at the service of relaxation

Pierre Jeanneret

Pierre Jeanneret (1896 - 1967), Swiss architect, designer and urban planner. His work is extremely connected to Le Corbusier, from whom he is often and willingly obscured due to the degree of kinship. He received his diploma from the École des Beaux-Arts in Geneva and then began his collaboration with his cousin in 1922. The studio, managed in collaboration with his cousin, was closed with the beginning of the Second World War. At the end of the Nazi invasion, he began to work alone, thinking about the creation of new works and dealing with furniture design.
Find out more about the (name of the movement etc.) with our insights:
LC4 or Le Corbusier at the service of relaxation

Production: Cassina

1927: Nasce la società Amedeo Cassina 1952: Realizzazioni di interni navali. Andrea Doria: inizia la collaborazione con Gio Ponti. 1954: Sedia 683 di Carlo de Carli. Cassina vince il primo Compasso d'Oro. 1957: "Collaudo" della 699 di Gio Ponti. Estrema identificazione tra forma e struttura. 1964: Acquisizione dei diritti di riproduzione dei primi modelli della collezione Le Corbusier. 1968: Ciprea di Afra e Tobia Scarpa. Un unico volume di poliuretano espanso 1970: Soriana di Afra e Tobia Scarpa. Premio Compasso d'Oro. 1972: Kar-a-sutra, prototipo di auto di Mario Bellini, presentato al MOMA di New York. 1973: Aeo di Archizoom/Paolo Deganello. Una nuova poltrona nel "campo dell'infinito sedibile". 1973: Maralunga di Vico Magistretti. Un successo internazionale. Premio Compasso d'Oro. 1973: Charles R. Mackintosh, un nuovo architetto nella collezione "Cassina I Maestri". 1973: Red and Blue di Gerrit T. Rietveld. Nasce la collezione "Cassina I Maestri". 1977: 412 Cab di Mario Bellini. Un vestito cucito in cuoio montato su una struttura d'acciaio. 1980: Wink di Toshiyuki Kita. Una poltrona che si adatta alla forma dell'uomo. 1983: E. Gunnar Asplund nella collezione "Cassina I Maestri". Sedia Goeteborg 1. 1986: Frank Lloyd Wright, collezione "Cassina I Maestri". Poltroncina Barrel. 1987: Feltri di Gaetano Pesce. Una ricerca verso nuovi materiali. 1991: Cassina vince il premio Compasso d'Oro per l'importante contributo alla cultura del design. 1996: Una nuova visione della casa. Met, sistema componibile, di Piero Lissoni con S. Sook Kim 1998: L.W.S Lazy Working Sofa di Philippe Starck. Il divano diventa un'isola multifunzionale. 2004: Charlotte Perriand nella collezione "Cassina I Maestri". Tavolo Ventaglio. 2007: Privé di Philippe Starck. Un seduttivo mix di classicismo, provocazione e ironia. 2008: Franco Albini, il primo architetto italiano nella collezione "Cassina I Maestri". Sedia Luisa. 2008: Una grande mostra e un libro per celebrare 80 anni di storia Cassina. 2009: Nuovi modelli ampliano la collezione di Charlotte Perriand. 2009: Eve di Piero Lissoni. Il rivestimento si configura come una busta sopra la struttura. 2010: Aire di Piero Lissoni. Un volume semplice e una struttura intelligente ed efficiente. -

Time: 1970s



Chromed Steel


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