The State Nobility - Elite Schools in the Field of Power
Elite Schools in the Field of Power
Autor: Pierre Bourdieu, Monique de Saint Martin
Herausgeber: Polity Press
Druckort: Cambridge (UK)
Erscheinungsjahr: 1998
In this major work, Bourdieu examines the distinctive forms of power - political, intellectual, bureaucratic and economic - by means of which contemporary societies are governed. What kinds of competence are claimed by the bureaucrats and technocrats who administer our societies? And how do those who govern come to gain the recognition of those who are governed by them?
Bourdieu examines in detail the work of consecration which is carried out by the educational system - and especially in France by the grandes écoles. The work of consecration can be seen in operation in different historical periods, whenever a nobility is produced. Today the socially recognized groups function according to a logic similar to that which characterized the divisions between high and low in the ancien régime. Today this state nobility is the heir - structural and sometimes even genealogical - of the noblesse de robe which, in order to consolidate its position in relation to other forms of power, had to construct the modern state and the republican myths, meritocracy and civil service which went along with it.
Bourdieu examines the mechanisms which produce the kind of nobility displayed by those who govern, and the recognition granted to them by those who are governed by them.
Exemplar in gutem zustand. Text in englisch. Einband mit flecken, anzeichen von verschleiß an den ecken und kanten, kleine delle in der ersten. Leichte vergilbung der seiten und schnitte mit spuren von staub. Text in English. Book in good condition. Slightly yellowed pages and edges with traces of dust. Cover with spots of dust and signs of use.
ISBN -Code: 0745620280
EAN: 9780745620282
Seiten: 475
Format: Paperback
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 23
Breite: 16
Englischer text / English text. Ins englische übersetzt von / Translated in English by Lauretta C. Clough.
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