Interpreting Bonnard - Color and Light
Color and Light
Autor: Nicholas Watkins
Herausgeber: Stewart, Tabori & Chang
Druckort: New York
Erscheinungsjahr: [1997]
Pierre Bonnard was a very private painter who confined his subject matter to his wife, his homes, the surrounding countryside, and his self-portraits. This book provides a concise review of Bonnard's life, key works, and the development of his technique, which began with early work done chiefly in tone, then led to gradual color-enrichment and, finally, to the mastery of light suffusion. Author Nicholas Watkins presents the artist not as a sentimental survivor of Impressionism, as he was often labeled, but as a highly demanding formal artist who transformed light into an emotional atmosphere enveloping the surface within which objects exist.
Exemplar in gutem Zustand. Einband mit Staubspuren und leichten Gebrauchsspuren an den Kanten und Ecken. Leicht vergilbte Schnitte und mit Spuren von Staub. Leicht vergilbte Seiten an den Rändern. Geschenkzettel mit Kugelschreiber im Knopfloch. Englischer Text. Texte auf englisch. Buch in gutem Zustand.
ISBN -Code: 1556707274
EAN: 9781556707278
Seiten: 80
Format: Taschenbuch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 22
Breite: 22
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