Messianismo Regalità Impero - Idee religiose e idea imperiale nel mondo romano
Idee religiose e idea imperiale nel mondo romano
Autor: Francesco Lucrezi
Herausgeber: Editrice La Giuntina
Druckort: Florenz
Erscheinungsjahr: 1996
The rise of the Roman Empire brought to an end the ideology of pluralism and paganism of the Roman Republic. States that Christianity became the suitable religious thought, which made possible the translation of the new ideas of uniformity and universality into a state system. Ch. 6 (p. 125-140), "Ebrei e schiavi", focuses on the constitution of 339 of the Emperor Constantius II, on the paragraph concerning the prohibition of Jews having Christian slaves or circumcising them, and to intermarry. This constitution was an outcome of the fusing of the law of the state with that of the Church, resulting in the physical and ideological segregation of Jews.
Beispiel in gutem Zustand. Einband mit leichter Vergilbung, Staubflecken und kleinen Gebrauchsspuren an den Kanten und Ecken. Seiten leicht vergilbt. Text auf Italienisch.
ISBN -Code: 8880570366
EAN: 9788880570363
Seiten: 163
Format: Taschenbuch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 21
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