Big up
Autor: Ben Watts
Herausgeber: Princeton Architectural Press
Druckort: New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 2003
Ben Watts has rapidly emerged as one of today's top photographers. His collection of photographic moments captured both on assignment and while working on personal projects covers a broad range of subjects, from street photography to fashion shoots, from hip-hop culture to high school wrestlers. Watts's images not only show the personal visual diary of an artist, but provide a new look at what it means to be young and urban. Often with short notes from himself or his subjects scribbled on the photos, or with bits and pieces from the "site" (an airplane boarding pass, an entry ticket), Watts's images are put together in fantastic collages and combinations that are humorous and insightful at the same time.
Big Up is Ben Watts's personal scrapbook reproduced in a large-format book that preserves all the qualities of a photo album. His images--vibrant, energetic, and sensuous--take readers on a photographic journey that stays in mind long after the book has been put down.
Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. Gebrauchsspuren an den Kanten und Ecken des Hardcovers; Streifen und Staubspuren auf dem Leinwandrücken. Text in Englisch. Text in Englisch.
EAN: 9781568984124
Seiten: k.A.
Format: Gebundenes Buch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 36
Breite: 30
Fast ausschließlich Fotobuch mit Farb- und Schwarzweißfotografien. Text in Englisch. Text in Englisch.
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