Giorgio De Chirico Romantico e Barocco - Gli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta
Gli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta
Author: Maurizio Fagiolo Dell'Arco
Publisher: Farsettiarte
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 2001
Product Condition:
Specimens in good condition. Pages and cuts, slightly yellowed. Covers and sovraccoperte with traces of dust.
Pages: 106
Format: Paperback
Introduction by Luigi Cavallo. Lyrics of Osvaldo Patani and Flavia Matitti. Images in b/w and color inside and outside the text. The exhibition held in Cortina-Wide of the post from August 9 - September 2, 2001; Prato Viale della Repubblica from 13-21 September 2001; Milan -Portico of Via Manzoni from September 26-October 20, 2001
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