In evidence
- Local [2]
- Italy [6]
- Biography Diaries [6]
- Pedagogy [1]
- Psychology [2]
- Sociology [17]
- Themes [4]
- Contemporary [2]
- International [408]
- Italian [585]
- Globalization [15]
- Economy [717]
- Law [363]
- Feminism [41]
- Ideology and Politics [249]
- Christianity [2]
- Monographies [1]
- Libraries [1]
- Encyclopedia [1]
- Various [2]
- Dictionaries [1]
- Women [62]
- Contemporary [11]
- A Hamilton- J. Jay - J. Madison [1]
- A. Angelini, A. Galasso - F. Petruzzella - A. Roccuzzo [1]
- A. Baldassarre, C. Mezzanotte [1]
- A. Borgese, L. Traversi Guerra, P.M. Vello [1]
- A. Ceretti, I. Merzagora [1]
- A. Koutsoyiannis [1]
- A.A.V.V. [12]
- AA. VV. [24]
- AA.VV [32]
- AA.VV. [263]
- Abel G. Aganbegjan [1]
- Abraham B. Yehoshua [1]
- Abramo Levi [1]
- Achille Loria [1]
- Achille Ormezzano [2]
- Ada Ferrari [1]
- Ada Grecchi [3]
- Adam Smith [4]
- Adamo Smith [1]
- Adelina Adinolfi, Roberto Baratta, Enzo Cannizzaro, Massimo Condinanzi, Roberto Mastroianni, Paolo Piva, Francesco Salerno, Luigi Sbolci, Girolamo Strozzi [1]
- A. F. Formíggini editore [1]
- A. Giuffrè [4]
- A. Mondadori editore [1]
- AGAR [1]
- AIEP [1]
- ANIPE Agenzia Nazionale Informazioni Politiche Economiche [1]
- ASTRA [1]
- Abitare Segesta [1]
- Adelphi [1]
- Adelphi Edizioni [3]
- Adriano Salani Editore [1]
- Adriatica editrice [1]
- Agenzia X [1]
- Agorà editrice [1]
- Agra [1]
- Agrilavoro edizioni [1]
- Alfani editore [4]
- Aliberti [1]
- Aliberti Editore [1]
- All'insegna del pesce d'oro [3]
- "The Roots of the Present" [2]
- 1046. Work and society [1]
- 120 political culture [1]
- 1255.4 [1]
- 126 open issues [1]
- 1260.22 [1]
- 1268. Series Notebooks of the Italian Association of judges for minors 4 CAM [1]
- 1290. Quaderni di informatica 21 [1]
- 148 locations [1]
- 1480. The society of industrial and post-industrial. Section The Classics [1]
- 1501.15 [1]
- 153 essays [1]
- 16 economy necklace [1]
- 1610. Studies the economy of the agro-food [1]
- 166 universal. Social Sciences [1]
- 18 Isvet necklace [1]
- 2000.1320 [1]
- 243 sea library. The Parsons 16 [1]
- 26 memory fragments [1]
- 36 contacts [1]
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Politics books
Through the "political books" you can undertake in-depth studies of exciting studies, words that connect us to other human beings of past historical periods, tools to make known the good and the bad of the world around us...
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In the Di Mano in Mano catalog you can let yourself be taken by:
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