Fashion designer
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- Pierre Cardin [1]
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- Max Mara [2]
- Herno [1]
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- Pinuccia Botondi [1]
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- Guy Laroche [2]
- JC de Castelbajac [1]
- Franca Mossini [1]
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- Akira [1]
In this section you can find all the Vintage Dresses available in our catalog. A refined selection of dresses to make your outfit unique!
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When we talk about Vintage Dresses we mean all those Retro Dresses that are no longer produced and put on the market, but which keep their beauty unchanged.
Normally for Vintage we turn to 70s , 80s and 90s Dresses.
In recent years, the appreciation of Vintage Clothing is making a comeback, especially in Flea Markets , but also on the internet, through countless sites of 50s Vintage Clothes and Retro Dresses .
If you love the Vintage Style , we are happy to say that we love it too.
In fact, when you come to visit us, you will be amazed by the vast selection of Vintage Dresses that we keep, as if it were a little treasure that we can't wait to share.
What is vintage style?
Vintage Style Dresses have a quality that clothes today don't have.
The 60s Dresses were made with the aim of lasting over time, while now people neglect what little they have to buy new clothes, buy, buy and buy again.
We say enough to this consumerism and offer the possibility to those Vintage Clothes that should be thrown away, to have a second chance, to be reborn.
The quality of the new clothes is lower than the 70s Clothes that were made in the past, precisely because their utility changes with the evolution of Fashions .
Now we think more about the appearance than the concrete functionality of the clothes.
Where to buy vintage clothes?
When you think of Vintage , do you think of ugly and ruined clothes?
So, I'm sorry to tell you that you are in the wrong site, we sell Vintage Used Clothes , but of great quality.
The Vintage Shops or Second-Hand Shops , as the name suggests, recycle and reuse Second-Hand Clothes , giving them uniqueness.
In Di Mano in Mano we offer people the opportunity to get to know and fall in love with the Vintage Style , with those 60s Dresses they have longed for so much.
What can you find in our catalogue?
- - Vintage Suit
- - Vintage Men's Jacket
- - Vintage Suit
- - Vintage Dress
- - Vintage Coat
- - Vintage 80s Shirt
- - Vintage Skirt
- - Silk Trousers
Who are the vintage stylists?
- - Armani
- - Burberry
- - Curiel
- - Emporio Armani
- - Ferragamo
- -Gucci
- - Herno
- - Kenzo
- - Max Mara
- - Tailoring
- - Trussardi
- - Yves Saint Laurent
and many others..
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