Storia degli imperatori romani e degli altri sovrani durante i primi sei secoli dell'era cristiana. Volume I. Tomo II
Author: Sebastiano Lenain De Tillemont
Publisher: S.T.E.N. Società Tipografico - Editrice Nazionale
Place of printing: Turin
Year of publication: 1930
Necklace: The Monumental history of Rome II
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Volume bound in imitation leather, with titles in gold at spine and with traces of dust. The original cover is not preserved. Cuts the burnished and with traces of dust. Pages burnished on the edges.
Pages: 398
Format: Hardcover
Proven with citations of the original authors. Italian translation by Camillo Marchisio. Edition edited and illustrated in places, in people and in the monuments, by Ettore Pais. Some images in b/n n.t.
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