Per una biografia intellettuale di F.S. Merlino Giustizia e sociologia criminale - Dal socialismo anarchico al riformismo rivoluzionario (1878-1930)
Dal socialismo anarchico al riformismo rivoluzionario (1878-1930)
Author: Emilio R. Papa
Publisher: Franco Angeli Editore
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: One thousand nine hundred eighty two
Necklace: The essays and research of the Institute of Political Sciences of the "Gioele Solari", University of Turin
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Cover with yellowing, dust spots and signs of wear to the edges and corners. Back discolored. Cut the yellowed and with traces of dust. Blooms on the upper cut. Pages burnished on the edges. Stamp sample for review to the title page
Pages: One hundred sixty four
Format: Paperback
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