Pair of landscapes with figures

Code: ARARPI0057080

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Pair of landscapes with figures

Code: ARARPI0057080

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The Fake in Ancient Art
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Pair of landscapes with figures


Artwork title:  Coppia di paesaggi con figure

Age:  20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject:  Landscape with Figures

Artistic technique:  Painting

Technical specification:  Oil on Canvas

Description : Coppia di paesaggi con figure

Oil painting on canvas. 20th century. The two landscapes propose a shipwreck scene along the coast, the other a scene in the countryside next to a river, with a washerwoman and a fisherman at work in a basin of water. Coming from a private collection from the Marche region, the two paintings have been attributed for some time, due to their pictorial and stylistic characteristics, to the hand of Antonio Francesco Peruzzini (1643-1724), a well-known painter of Marche origin, who became one of the most sought after and well-known Italian landscape architects, characterized by the ability to insert painted characters in fantasy landscapes with an innovative freedom of stroke, and by the frequent choice of subjects linked to shipwrecks, derived from Nordic models, or to the stormy sea, such as the one proposed here. However, the more detailed analysis of the two works revealed that they were actually excellent forgeries of the twentieth century, made by a forger with considerable skill in the reproduction of ancient works: the two canvases that at first glance seem ancient and mounted on a recent frame. as for a restoration retelling, they have actually been artificially aged, as can be deduced from the in-depth analysis of the crack (i.e. the cracking of the colors) which is not compatible with a natural genesis, created by the passing of the years, but rather presents the characteristics the result of an artificial procedure. This involved placing the two canvases in the category of fakes, albeit fakes. Relined, the two subjects are presented in antique frames from the end of the 18th century. For an in-depth study of the theme of the forgery in art, please refer to the article "The forgery in ancient art", published on this site.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, with small signs of wear.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 77
Width: 61
Depth: 5

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 67
Width: 51

Additional Information

Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject: Landscape with Figures

Artistic technique: Painting

La pittura è l'arte che consiste nell'applicare dei pigmenti a un supporto come la carta, la tela, la seta, la ceramica, il legno, il vetro o un muro. Essendo i pigmenti essenzialmente solidi, è necessario utilizzare un legante, che li porti a uno stadio liquido, più fluido o più denso, e un collante, che permetta l'adesione duratura al supporto. Chi dipinge è detto pittore o pittrice. Il risultato è un'immagine che, a seconda delle intenzioni dell'autore, esprime la sua percezione del mondo o una libera associazione di forme o un qualsiasi altro significato, a seconda della sua creatività, del suo gusto estetico e di quello della società di cui fa parte.

Technical specification: Oil on Canvas

The oil painting is a painting technique using powder pigments mixed with bases in inert and oils.