Versi sciolti di tre eccellenti moderni Autori con alcune lettere non più stampate

Author: Saverio Bettinelli, Carlo Innocenzo Frugoni, Francesco Algarotti

Code: LIPOIT0076993

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Versi sciolti di tre eccellenti moderni Autori con alcune lettere non più stampate

Author: Saverio Bettinelli, Carlo Innocenzo Frugoni, Francesco Algarotti

Code: LIPOIT0076993

220.00 € *
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Versi sciolti di tre eccellenti moderni Autori con alcune lettere non più stampate



Publisher:  Stamperia di Modesto Fenzo

Place of printing:  Venice

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Ancient full leather binding with title and dry friezes on the back, rather worn and stained: peeling and small lacks on the front plate, on the edges, on the cuffs and on the back. Generally well preserved papers, with a slight waviness presumably due to humidity; rare blooms, especially located along the margins. We point out: gora of humidity at the upper edge from the first c. a a3 accompanied by a small millstone internal margin from the first c. at c1; small lossless lack of text at the upper outer corner of d3; brown spot inside the page from E2 to F2; lack in the inner margin of the last paper (errata) without loss of text.

Pages:  (8), 67, CLV, XXXVIII, 157, (3)

Format:  In the eighth

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  21
Width:  15


Published in the first edition in 1757 in Venice by Saverio Bettinelli, the volume collects three collections of poems of different genres and styles: the Loose Verses of the Abbot Carlo Innocenzio Frugoni, the Epistles in verse of Mr. Conte Francesco Algarotti and the Twelve Poems in Verse dissolved by Fr Saverio Bettinelli Jesuit Another time published in Milan under the name of Diodoro Delfico PA. The young Bettinelli introduced himself to the literary public of the time by accompanying two poets already firmly established, but above all by introducing the Ten Letters of Publio Virgilio to the poetic collections Marone Written by the Elisj at the Arcadia of Rome on the abuses introduced in Italian Poetry, followed by the New Code of Laws of the Italian Parnassus, which in a strongly polemical tone attacked contemporary Italian poetry (from the Code: VIII The Academies no longer admit except those that they legally swear that they want to be mediocre all their life not excluded IX Pongasi Dazio on the Collections for Weddings, for Degrees, etc. XII Let a vast hospital be erected, half of which is destined for the Italian Poets, not by nature, but by madness led to make verses; the other to anyone who claims to heal them). This second edition, released by the Stamperia di Modesto Fenzo in Venice in 1763, appears embellished with beautiful etching vignettes on copper drawn by Pietro Monaco and engraved by B. Nazzari and PANovelli: two full-page engravings can be found at the front door of the volume and at the front door of the collection of letters, 46 vignettes, in addition to that of the title page, are interspersed with the text in the form of small landscapes, rural scenes or ornamental heads and end pieces. A small masterpiece of eighteenth-century figurative publishing.

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