Taccuino segreto di Francesco Rovetta
Author: Gaetano Panazza
Publisher: Industrie Grafiche Bresciane
Place of printing: Brescia
Year of publication: 1964
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Paperback binding with double dust jacket, one folded hardcover and one tissue paper; the latter shows up with dust spots, some small lacks (the most important at the outer edge of the front plate) and tears and traces of humidity on the rear plate; in correspondence of the lack at the edge of the front plate, a small cut is also found on the hardcover dust jacket. Well preserved papers, with dust spots and small blooms on the first and last white paper. Text in Italian language.
Pages: (44)
Format: In folio
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 48
Width: 34
Out of commerce edition. Three hundred numbered copies of this volume have been made. Copy n.190 / 300. Introduction by Gaetano Panazza. Reproductions of the author's drawings in b / w f.t.
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