The Triumph of Flora, Oil on Canvas, Italy, Late '800.

Code: ARARPI0105169

not available
The Triumph of Flora, Oil on Canvas, Italy, Late '800.

Code: ARARPI0105169

not available

The Triumph of Flora, Oil on Canvas, Italy, Late '800.


Artwork title:  Il trionfo di Flora

Age:  19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Subject:  Allegorical/Mythological Subject

Artistic technique:  Painting

Technical specification:  Oil on Canvas

Description : Il trionfo di Flora

Oil on canvas. The mythological scene Oil on canvas. the Roman and Italic goddess of flowering, of plants and in second instance also understood as the goddess of spring and human fertility. She is depicted sitting on a sort of chariot pulled by the beloved Zephyr and in the midst of celebrating nymphs and cherubs, while she spreads the flowers around her with both hands and is crowned with a garland of flowers by a putto; below on the left you can see a male figure with his head girded by a helmet, probably Mercury who in turn pays homage to the goddess with a basket of flowers, while on the right other nymphs dance. The canvas is only sketched in some parts, as if it were a preparatory sketch for a larger painting.

Product Condition:
In good condition, with small signs of wear.

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 55
Width: 115
Depth: 2,5

Additional Information

Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900

19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Subject: Allegorical/Mythological Subject

Artistic technique: Painting

La pittura è l'arte che consiste nell'applicare dei pigmenti a un supporto come la carta, la tela, la seta, la ceramica, il legno, il vetro o un muro. Essendo i pigmenti essenzialmente solidi, è necessario utilizzare un legante, che li porti a uno stadio liquido, più fluido o più denso, e un collante, che permetta l'adesione duratura al supporto. Chi dipinge è detto pittore o pittrice. Il risultato è un'immagine che, a seconda delle intenzioni dell'autore, esprime la sua percezione del mondo o una libera associazione di forme o un qualsiasi altro significato, a seconda della sua creatività, del suo gusto estetico e di quello della società di cui fa parte.

Technical specification: Oil on Canvas

The oil painting is a painting technique using powder pigments mixed with bases in inert and oils.