De Padova Vidun Table Painted Wood Italy 1980s

Code: MOTATA0133241

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De Padova Vidun Table Painted Wood Italy 1980s

Code: MOTATA0133241

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De Padova Vidun Table Painted Wood Italy 1980s


Designer:  Vico Magistretti

Production:  De Padova

Model:  Vidun

Time:  1980s

Production country:  Milano, Italy

Material:  Lacquered Wood , Glass


Table with adjustable height base in lacquered wood and non-original glass top with a diameter of 118 cm.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, shows small signs of wear. We try to present the real state as fully as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description will prevail.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 65,5
Diameter: 118

Maximum size (cm):
Height: 98

Additional Information

Designer: Vico Magistretti

Ludovico Magistretti (1920 - 2006) was an Italian designer and architect. Born into a middle-class Milanese family, Vico Magistretti attended the Parini classical high school and then enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture of the Royal Polytechnic of Milan, where leading figures in the architectural panorama of the time such as Gio Ponti and Piero Portaluppi taught. Between 1943 and 1944 he decided, like many intellectuals of the time, to leave his own country and moved to Switzerland where he was able to follow some academic courses. His acquaintance with Ernesto Nathan Rogers dates back to that period, and will remain in the architect's memory as a key person in his intellectual formation. In 1945 he returned to Milan, where he graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic. In 1956 he was one of the founding members of ADI, the Association for Industrial Design. His latest design projects were presented at the Salone del Mobile in 2008. His design works are exhibited in the permanent collection of MOMA in New York and in other museums in America and Europe.
Find out more about Ludovico Magistretti with our insights:
Eclisse, light according to Vico Magistretti
Maralunga, the seat in motion
Corner Mix n ° 9

Production: De Padova

Time: 1980s



Lacquered Wood


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