Trunk Parchement Italy 1930s
Origin: Italy
Fashion designer: Artigianale
Material: Leather , Iron , Parchment
Bag type: Trunk
Travel trunk from the early 1900s, a very special and rare item because it is a small wardrobe trunk. The wardrobe trunks of the time are usually much bulkier. It could be a child's suitcase, or more easily a suitcase for a few days of travel. The inside is covered with paper and still has the original wooden hangers. the outside is in parchment, with details and studs in gilded metal (the gilding has fallen off) and shows some stickers of the journeys undertaken.
Product Condition:
Item in very good condition.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 24
Width: 80
Depth: 52
Additional Information
Fashion designer: Artigianale
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