Neo-Renaissance Style Trunk Wrought Iron Italy XIX Century

Italy Early 19th century

Code: ANMOAL0155969

1,900.00 € *
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Neo-Renaissance Style Trunk Wrought Iron Italy XIX Century

Italy Early 19th century

Code: ANMOAL0155969

1,900.00 € *
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Neo-Renaissance Style Trunk Wrought Iron Italy XIX Century - Italy Early 19th century


Italy Early 19th century

Age:  19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Origin:  Italy

Main essence:  Camphor Walnut

Material:  Wrought Iron , Shear plate


Neo-Renaissance style trunk with coeval side table, Italy, early 19th century. Trunk in camphor wood decorated with embossed sheet metal and bottom in gilded sheet metal, wrought iron handles on the sides, interior with a pair of side storage compartments. Equipped with lock with double throw opening mechanism on the front and bell sound signal. Side table in walnut, turned uprights, plinth feet connected by crosspieces. Restorations and replacements.

Product Condition:
Product that due to age and wear requires restoration and resumption of polishing.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 106
Width: 78,5
Depth: 38,5

Additional Information

Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900

19th Century / 1801 - 1900

Main essence:


Coming from the Far East, it is a very fragrant wood that is used above all in foreign manufacturing. Its typical use is in the manufacture of wardrobes and trunks precisely because it is resistant to woodworms and insects. It gives off a fragrance that does not diminish with the passage of time.


Walnut wood comes from the plant whose botanical name is juglans regia , probably originally from the East but very common in Europe. Light or dark brown in color, it is a hard wood with a beautiful grain, widely used in antique furniture. It was the main essence in Italy throughout the Renaissance and later had a good diffusion in Europe, especially in England, until the advent of mahogany. It was used for solid wood furniture and sometimes carvings and inlays, its only big limitation is that it suffers a lot from woodworm. In France it was widely used more than anything else in the provinces. In the second half of the eighteenth century its use decreased significantly because mahogany and other exotic woods were preferred.


Wrought Iron

Shear plate

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