Antique Fireplace Charles X Paolo Moschini '800 Ebony Elm - Lombardy, XIX Century
Lombardy, XIX Century
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900
Origin: Lombardia, Italy
Main essence: Amaranth , Ebony , Elm
Material: Elm Burl Slab , Gilded Wood , Carved Wood , Mercury Mirror
Charles X fireplace entirely veneered in elm root, Lombardy, third decade of the 19th century. Attributable to the production of Paolo Moschini, a skilled inlayer and cabinetmaker active between Soncino, his hometown, and Milan in the first half of the nineteenth century. Front with architrave and projecting plinths, connected by double columns finely fluted and embellished with gilded wooden capitals, the upper ones of which are carved with frets and acanthus leaves. Base and architrave edges threaded in amaranth, threaded column profiles in ebony. Central mercury mirror placed within the frame.
Product Condition:
Product which due to age and wear requires restoration and re-polishing. We try to present the real state of the furniture as completely as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is stated in the description applies.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 112
Width: 144
Depth: 19,5
Additional Information
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900
19th Century / 1801 - 1900Main essence:
It is a very hard wood, coming from Guiana and Latin America in general. Very valuable, it is also known as "purple wood" because once cut it has a very reddish color, but when seasoned it changes towards a crimson shade. Widely used by French cabinetmakers, especially in inlays, often combined with bois de rose, and sometimes as a veneer. -Ebony
Without any doubt it is one of the most precious and appreciated essences ever. Very hard and resistant, it is pleasant to the touch thanks to its smoothness, it is a wood with a typical black color. Being very rare it was traded as a precious metal and frequently forged. Because of its hardness, it is very difficult to work, which is why the term cabinetmaker, which indicates the very skilled craftsman in fine carpentry works, derives from this very essence. In modern times, it was introduced by the Flemings and Germans and immediately enjoyed success with the French. The golden period for Ebony was the Baroque, especially in the Boulle style workings. In general it is widely used in inlays, but also for furniture upholstery, for contrasting effects alongside brass, bronze and tortoiseshell.Elm
Very hard and compact wood, which comes from ulmus campestris . It is distinguished by its reddish brown color. It was mainly used for rustic furniture in France, Holland and Scandinavia. In England, however, it was also used a lot in inlay work.Material:
Elm Burl Slab
Gilded Wood
Carved Wood
Mercury Mirror
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