Large Frame Eclectism Plaster Italy XIX-XX Century

Italy Late XIX - Early XX Century

Code: ANCOSP0170000

not available
Large Frame Eclectism Plaster Italy XIX-XX Century

Italy Late XIX - Early XX Century

Code: ANCOSP0170000

not available

Large Frame Eclectism Plaster Italy XIX-XX Century - Italy Late XIX - Early XX Century


Italy Late XIX - Early XX Century

Style:  Eclecticism (1870-1890)

Age:  19th Century / 1801 - 1900 , 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Origin:  Italy

Material:  Other Woods , Other Wood


Large eclectic frame in carved and gilded plaster with leafy scrolls, floral elements and rocaille style, Italy late 19th - early 20th century.

Product Condition:
Article that, due to age and usage, requires restoration works.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 91,5
Width: 127,5
Depth: 16

Maximum size (cm):
Height: 135
Width: 171

Additional Information

Style: Eclecticism (1870-1890)

Towards the end of the 19th century, the taste for combining elements taken from various styles of the past asserted itself. The eclectic style is therefore characterized by the mixture of stylistic elements from the Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance and Neoclassicism in search of elegant compositional virtuosity.

Find out more on our blog:

The dictionary of antiques: Eclecticism
Classic Monday: a 19th century sofa, an example of eclecticism


Austrian taste for Baroque
The return of Baroque in decorative arts
History of antique European furniture


19th Century / 1801 - 1900

19th Century / 1801 - 1900

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000


Other Woods

Other Wood

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