Skipper Freccia Coffee Table Design A. Mangiarotti Italy 1970s

Code: MOTATA0194895

Price upon request
Skipper Freccia Coffee Table Design A. Mangiarotti Italy 1970s

Code: MOTATA0194895

Price upon request

Skipper Freccia Coffee Table Design A. Mangiarotti Italy 1970s


Designer:  Angelo Mangiarotti

Production:  Skipper

Model:  Freccia

Time:  1970s

Production country:  Denmark

Material:  White Marble , Black Marquinia Marble


Italian Freccia coffee table from theEros series. The table's asymmetrical top, connected with gravity joints, is an exceptional and thoughtful design by Angelo Mangiarotti realised with an innovative and sculptural approach to design. This technique is used on all tables in the Eros collection. White marble top and black Marquinia marble legs designed by Angelo Mangiarotti for Skipper, dry-set marble elements, Italy 1970s. This large table with its minimal and contemporary design is perfect for luxuriously furnishing large spaces, making the environment very contemporary and comfortable.

Product Condition:
Product in very good condition; may show slight traces of wear; it may have undergone restoration work. We try to present the real state as fully as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is stated in the description applies.

Dimensions (cm):
Height: 40
Width: 120
Depth: 120

Additional Information

Designer: Angelo Mangiarotti

Angelo Mangiarotti (1921 - 2012) was an Italian architect, designer and urban planner. He is one of the most important architects in the Italian and American environment (but also Japanese and European), as well as internationally recognized as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century and one of the most prominent figures in Italian industrial design. In 1948, in Milan, Mangiarotti graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic. After two years of experience in the United States, he returned to his hometown to open his own design studio, together with his colleague Bruno Morassuti and to create industrial design products, restoration and construction of residential and public buildings; the collaboration ended in 1960. Two years later he created the first version of one of his most famous industrial design objects: the "59" chair. In 1961 he oriented his profession in a new sector: the automobile.
Find out more about Angelo Mangiarotti with our insights:
FineArt: 'Giogali' chandelier

Production: Skipper

Time: 1970s



White Marble

Black Marquinia Marble

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Product availability

The product can be seen at Milan

Immediate availability
Ready for delivery within 2 working days from ordering the product.

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