Antique Neo-Classical Cabinet with Hole Walnut Late XVIII Century - Lombardy, Late XVIII Century
Lombardy, Late XVIII Century
Age: 18th Century / 1701 - 1800
Origin: Lombardia, Italy
Neoclassical cabinet of Lombard production, supported by truncated pyramidal legs, on the front it has two folding doors (modified), the top can also be opened, while inside there is a top with a hole. In walnut, it is decorated with olive threads and maple inlays, like the rosette on the front and on the top.
Product Condition:
Product which due to age and wear requires restoration and re-polishing. We try to present the real state of the furniture as completely as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is stated in the description applies.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 75
Width: 55,5
Depth: 40
Additional Information
Age: 18th Century / 1701 - 1800
18th Century / 1701 - 1800Other customers have searched:
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Product availability
The product can be seen at Cambiago
Immediate availability
Ready for delivery within 2 working days from ordering the product.