Antique Pendulum Clock Mahogany Decorations England XIX Century - England, Late XIX Century
England, Late XIX Century
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900
Origin: England
Main essence: Mahogany
English made pendulum clock, in mahogany, the face features Roman numerals and is painted with a hunting scene and floral motifs; "Barnsley" mark present.
Product Condition:
Product that due to age and wear may require restoration and polishing. We try to present the real condition as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 227
Width: 60,5
Depth: 27,5
Additional Information
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900
19th Century / 1801 - 1900Main essence: Mahogany
It is one of the most precious and sought-after woods in cabinet making. It was discovered in Central America around 1600 and began to be imported to England in the 1700s. Much appreciated for its hardness and indestructibility, it became widespread following the blocking of walnut exports from France in 1720 and the consequent elimination of English import duties on mahogany from the colonies in America and India. The most valuable version comes from Cuba, but it became very expensive. At the end of the 18th century it began to be used also in France in Louis XVI, Directory and Empire furniture, its diffusion declined starting from when Napoleon, in 1810, forbade its import. It was generally used in the manufacture of elegant furniture, due to its characteristics and beautiful grain.Other customers have searched:
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