Sketch by Francesco Paolo Michetti - Study for Vegetation
Study for Vegetation
Artist: Francesco Paolo Michetti (1851-1929)
Artwork title: Studio per vegetazione
Age: 19th Century / 1801 - 1900 , 20th Century / 1901 - 2000
Subject: Study
Artistic technique: Drawing
Technical specification: Pencil on Paper
Description : Studio per vegetazione
Pencil on paper. Signed lower right. Michetti, originally from Abruzzo, studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, where he developed his realistic and naturalistic style. But rural Abruzzo, with its still uncontaminated nature, was always his main source of inspiration. Here is a small study of country vegetation. Framed,
Product Condition:
Product in good condition, shows small signs of wear. We try to present the real condition as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.
Frame Size (cm):
Height: 17
Width: 22
Depth: 0,5
Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 12
Width: 15,5
Additional Information
Artist: Francesco Paolo Michetti (1851-1929)
Francesco Paolo Michetti was born in Tocco da Casauria in 1851. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, where he was a student, with Edoardo Dalbono, of the master Domenico Morelli, whose naturalism and visionary realism he initially imitated: a promising young man, his work was also immediately noticed by Filippo Palizzi, his countryman, who lived in Naples in those years. Like many painters of the time, since 1871 Michetti had also been interested in photography, initially only as a procedure for studying the subjects of his paintings from life, then also as a new and autonomous means of expression, also making use of direct graphic interventions on them photographic matrices. Rural Abruzzo, with its still uncontaminated nature, was always his main source of inspiration. Already in 1872 and then in 1875 he exhibited his works at the Paris Salon, but he was acclaimed, reaching definitive international fame, in 1877, when he exhibited the sensational canvas of Corpus Domini (purchased by Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany) in Naples. . In 1898 he participated in the Italian General Exhibition. Michetti was also the inspirer and initiator of an artistic circle of national importance which took its name from him and which, starting from the 1880s, began to meet in the convent of Santa Maria del Gesù in Francavilla al Mare, which the painter had purchased and which today is known as the Michetti Convent. Among the most representative men of letters, artists and men of culture who frequented it were Gabriele D'Annunzio, Francesco Paolo Tosti, Basilio Cascella, Costantino Barbella, Edoardo Scarfoglio, Matilde Serao, Antonio De Nino, Francesco Saverio Altamura. In 1903 he was indicated by Queen Elena of Montenegro as suitable for the production of some sketches to illustrate the cartoons of a series of stamps. From these sketches a stamp was then created, issued on 20 March 1906, which depicted the effigy of Vittorio Emanuele III facing to the right. For this reason the stamp was nicknamed Michetti on the right. The painter's international celebrity was such that Vittorio Emanuele III, on 4 April 1909, decided to appoint him Senator of the Kingdom. Michetti died in March 1929 in his convent in Francavilla.Age:
19th Century / 1801 - 1900
19th Century / 1801 - 190020th Century / 1901 - 2000
20th Century / 1901 - 2000Subject: Study
Artistic technique: Drawing
Il disegno è il processo di tracciare segni su una superficie tramite l'applicazione di una pressione o il trascinamento di un apposito strumento sulla superficie. Gli strumenti sono: matite in grafite o colorate, penna, pennelli fini con inchiostro, pastelli a cera o carboncini; i supporti tradizionali più frequenti sono carta, cartoncino, tavola, muro, tela, rame, vetro.Technical specification: Pencil on Paper
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