Vikavi Coat Suede Second Hand UK Size 14 Italy

UK Size 14

Code: ABDO1I0267305

not available
Vikavi Coat Suede Second Hand UK Size 14 Italy

UK Size 14

Code: ABDO1I0267305

not available

Vikavi Coat Suede Second Hand UK Size 14 Italy - UK Size 14


UK Size 14

Origin: Milano, Italy

Fashion designer:  Vikavi

Material:  Suede

Size:  40


Mid-season coat in very soft suede, with original stitching details and leather embroidery. Lined interior. Vikavi is a brand born in Milan, which makes Made in Italy its founding value. The garments are unique, original and colorful and are the result of a brand in continuous search for novelty, beauty and quality.

Product Condition:
Item in very good condition. We try to present the real condition of the item as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.

Additional Information

Fashion designer: Vikavi

Material: Suede

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