Catalogo Bolaffi delle Fiat 1899/1970 - Repertorio completo della produzione automobilistica Fiat dalle origini ad oggi
Repertorio completo della produzione automobilistica Fiat dalle origini ad oggi
Author: Angelo Tito Anselmi
Publisher: Giulio Bolaffi editore
Place of printing: Turin
Year of publication: 1970
Necklace: The Bolaffi catalogues
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Dust jacket with dust spots and signs of wear on the edges and corners and defects in the dust jacket. Yellowed edges and with traces of dust. Pages with traces of dust on the edges. Text in Italian.
Pages: 517
Format: Hardback with dust jacket
Photographs and images in b/w and color, nt and ft. With the collaboration of Franco, Guido Artom and Eric Antonio Maggior.
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