Storia della chiesa. Il primo Medioevo (Volume IV) - Progressivo distacco da Bisanzio - L'epoca carolingia - Gli Ottoni e la riforma gregoriana (VIII-XII sec.)
Progressivo distacco da Bisanzio - L'epoca carolingia - Gli Ottoni e la riforma gregoriana (VIII-XII sec.)
Author: AA.VV.
Publisher: Jaca Book
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1978
Necklace: Already and not yet 32
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Dust jacket with light dust spots and slight signs of wear on the edges and corners. Text in Italian.
Pages: XLI,709
Format: Hardback with dust jacket
First Italian edition. Preface by Luigi Prosdocimi. Translation by Giorgio Mion. Bibliographical appendix by Maria Lodovica Arduini.
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