Fake Author's Painting signed Rognoni - Fantastic Vision with Figures
Fantastic Vision with Figures
Artwork title: Visione fantastica con figure
Age: Contemporary
Subject: Human Figures
Artistic technique: Painting
Technical specification: Oil on Canvas
Description : Visione fantastica con figure
Oil on canvas. The signature of the painter Franco Rognoni appears at the bottom right, but the work has not been recognized as authentic by the artist's archive. It also well reflects Rognoni's pictorial style, characterized by figures, both men and houses drawn in black with a few precise strokes, and then filled with color that fades into the background. In the canvas, an elegant male figure appears, leaning impassively and indifferently on the flowered railing of a terrace overlooking a city; below him, at the bottom left, another face emerges (the same man?) wearing a military helmet and placed on a darker, less sunny city background: whether it is the man at war who recalls the time of peace or vice versa, the reference to the alternation in life of peace and war, of serenity and drama is evident. The work is presented in a frame.
Product Condition:
Product in very good condition that may show slight traces of wear; may have undergone restoration work carried out by an expert. We try to present the real condition as completely as possible with the photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is reported in the description is valid.
Frame Size (cm):
Height: 82
Width: 62
Depth: 3,5
Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 70
Width: 50
Additional Information
Age: Contemporary
ContemporarySubject: Human Figures
Artistic technique: Painting
La pittura è l'arte che consiste nell'applicare dei pigmenti a un supporto come la carta, la tela, la seta, la ceramica, il legno, il vetro o un muro. Essendo i pigmenti essenzialmente solidi, è necessario utilizzare un legante, che li porti a uno stadio liquido, più fluido o più denso, e un collante, che permetta l'adesione duratura al supporto. Chi dipinge è detto pittore o pittrice. Il risultato è un'immagine che, a seconda delle intenzioni dell'autore, esprime la sua percezione del mondo o una libera associazione di forme o un qualsiasi altro significato, a seconda della sua creatività, del suo gusto estetico e di quello della società di cui fa parte.Technical specification: Oil on Canvas
The oil painting is a painting technique using powder pigments mixed with bases in inert and oils.Other customers have searched:
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The product can be seen at Cambiago
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Ready for delivery within 2 working days from ordering the product.