Solenne possesso di S.E. il conte Stara nella carica di primo presidente della Corte di Cassazione sedente in Torino ed inaugurazione dell'anno giuridico 1868
Author: s.a.
Publisher: Tipografia G Favale e compagnia
Place of printing: Turin
Year of publication: 1868
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Cover with traces of dust and signs of wear on the edges and corners. Pages yellowed at the edges. Foxing present. Text in Italian.
Pages: 48
Format: Paperback
Inquisitions read by the Attorney General Comm. Bussolino. Words of the President Comm. Bonacci. Speech by Count Stara PP Report by Cav. Lavagna. Allocutions by Mr. Comm. Counsellor Causa and by Comm. Vegezzi and Cav. Spantigati
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