L'odio antico - L'antisemitismo cristiano e le sue radici
L'antisemitismo cristiano e le sue radici
Author: Cesare Mannucci
Publisher: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1993
Necklace: The story
A study of the genesis and development of Christian antisemitism up to the late medieval period. Analyzes theological and political reasons for Christian hostility toward Jews, beginning with Paul and continuing with anti-Jewish accusations (e.g. blood libels, the Black Death), anti-Jewish legislation, violence, and segregation.
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Dust jacket with dust spots and signs of wear on the edges and corners. Yellowed edges and with traces of dust. Pages yellowed at the edges. Text in Italian.
ISBN Code: 8804369027
EAN: 9788804369028
Pages: XV; 310
Format: Hardback with dust jacket
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 24
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