Il credito bancario e i contadini
Author: Carlo Decristoforis
Publisher: Banca del Monte di Milano
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1981
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition, in box. Read traces of dust. A copy with slight abrasion to the box.
Pages: XLVII; 240
Format: Hardcover
Special Edition out of print for the Banca del Monte di Milano. Introductory note by Professor Mario Talamona, President of Banca del Monte di Milano. Historical outline of Professor Ennio Di Nolfo, University of Florence. Facsimile reproduction of the printed edition in Milan by Francesco Vallardi, in 1851. 24 black and white drawings f.t. smooth, hard cover with leather spine and titles in flat gold front and back. Cut the box canvas.
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