Ex Plauti Comoediis XX Quarum carmina magna ex parte in mensum suum restituta sunt M.D.XXII. Index verborum, quib. paulo abstrusiorib. Plautus utitur. Argumenta singularum Comoediarum. Authoris vita. Tralatio dictionum graecarum
Author: Titus Maccius Plautus
Publisher: In Aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri
Place of printing: Venice
Year of publication: 1522
Product Condition:
Antique leather binding with title and gold friezes at the spine, under restoration (front plate off and resurfacing of headphones). Brown spot (diameter 1.5 cm) and year of publication (1522) in pencil in the cover page. Close to the inner margin of the reddish stain * * 2 at h3 appearing irregularly accompanied in a4, a6, e7, f2, g3 and g6 by small holes that affect the text. O2-o3 thin in long gutter stain Brown. Gora upper outside corner of moisture to C7 in N4 (end).
Pages: (14 DC), 284 cc
Format: In eighth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 21
Width: 14
The first page to the last card to make editorial (still aldina). Justification the last card, Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi, et Asulani soceri, canteens iulio Andreae. M.D. XXII. First and only edition of the comedies of Plautus published in the printing house of Aldus Manutius. In the dedicatory Epistle of Gian Francesco Asolano, curator of the Edition, Nicolaus von Schonberg, Bishop of Capua, the lesson of the text of the plays is attributed to Aldus Manutius in collaboration with Erasmus ("Erasmus Roterodamus Quanta Aldus noster et diligentia fieri potuit illas (comoedias) olim castigarunt proponentes librariis nostris, quorum exemplar nos has XX deseribendas curavimus"). The Bacchides are not included among the comedies may because they are considered spurious. Preliminary drawings: Index verborum, Argumenta Comoediarum singularum and former Petro life Maned de poetis Platius Lucanus before arriving latinis.