Our catalogues
Literary Genres
Literary genres
The used book sales catalog is organized into different groups, from art books to travel books , through fiction , essays , poetry books and many others. Here is a complete list of our used book categories :
- - Art
- - Encyclopedias
- - Philosophy
- - Photography
- - Comics
- - Children's Books
- - Manuals
- - Music
- - Fiction
- - Poetry
- - Politics and Society
- - Religion
- - Literature
- - Sciences
- - Human Sciences
- - Entertainment
- - History
- - Travel and Guides
Art books
We speak of art books generically referring to all the publications that refer to art , therefore art catalogues , art history books , painting books or more specific contemporary art books . But, within this category, there are also biographies of artists , monographs , diaries , memoirs , treatises and criticisms. di mano in mano is quite skilled in selling art books , just take a look at the catalog to realize it, there are more than 5000 used art books ! They are all conveniently subdivided by sub-category, such as architecture books or design books , but also by author and series. Hurry, it's easy to find books for art lovers here!
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Miniature | Catalogo de la céramica nazca | Arte lombarda |
The word encyclopedia defines a work in which notions of all the disciplines or of only one of them are collected and ordered. In this second case, reference is made to a more specific type of encyclopaedia , such as for example the legal encyclopaedias , which illustrate the science of Italian jurists, or the Enlightenment encyclopaedia , a work by Denis Diderot that exemplifies that cultural and social renewal.
Among the Italian encyclopaedias , the Italian encyclopaedia of sciences , letters and arts , commonly known as the Treccani encyclopaedia , is certainly the most famous. Today, due to the development of the Internet, the use of the encyclopedia is no longer what it used to be, so where to take old encyclopedias that are no longer needed? At di mano in mano of course!
In the catalog dedicated to the sale of used books , there is a special section dedicated to selling used encyclopaedias !
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Children's corner | Ex libris - Art Nouveau | Dizionario degli alimenti |
Philosophy books
It is difficult to find a precise definition of " philosophy books ", first of all because philosophy itself is a controversial and multifaceted discipline. As inherent in the name itself, philosophy is the love of knowledge and research, as well as the systematic study of general and fundamental issues. And this is evident in all the classics of philosophy and in the philosophy books of the greatest authors, such as Karl Marx or Nietzsche . Philosophy is then multifaceted into many categories depending on the precise object of study, and here is where di mano in mano comes to meet this, proposing, within its catalog , the sale of books on classical philosophy , philosophy contemporary and history of contemporary philosophy or modern philosophy .
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Orientarsi nella metropoli | Etica Nicomachea | Leviatano |
Photo books
A photo book consists of an album on which digital photographs are printed and then bound like a real book. Photo books are usually customizable, both in terms of format and whether or not they contain short texts and personalized graphics. In the di mano in mano catalog there are different types of photo books , such as Milan photo books or travel photo books . They are then categorized according to the format in which they are presented: we have paperback photographic books , i.e. a type of binding with the addition of a simple cover or cardboard; hardcover photo books , i.e. with thick and sturdy pages, more resistant than a traditional book; photographic books in paperback format and, finally, hardcover photographic books with dust jackets , nothing more than a printed sheet with two leaves that are folded inside the volume.
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Foto ricettario | Mur vegetal | I grandi fotografi |
Comic books
Comics are defined as a medium, a means of mass communication, aimed at children as well as adults. Comics are characterized by their own language, mainly made up of images and text (present within speech bubbles or captions, which together generate the narrative). A text that is published in these ways is also called a magazine , bulletin board , comic story or comic novel . Although the term "comic" refers precisely to the speech bubble used to report the dialogue between the characters, in the first Italian comics this did not appear, but the dialogues were reported on an illustrative cartouche below the cartoon. Only after the war, with the comics of the 50s , did stories with clouds begin to be published. Today, in the USA comics are referred to as comics or comic books , while in Japan they are called manga . Discover the di mano in mano comics catalog here, we specialize in the buying and selling of used comics so you could find some of the most famous comics , such as disney comics , tex comics , mickey mouse comics or marvel comics . In the catalog it is then possible to select author comics , i.e. those comics created by an already highly rated artist, freely from the point of view of format, genre and technique.
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A smile makes a lousy umbrella | La vie de palais | Michael Musculus |
Children's books
The term children's books or children's literature refers to a broad set of literary works and genres that are thought to be suitable for an audience of children or young people. Normally, children's books are works designed explicitly for a young audience, works evaluated by an authority recognized as competent in the sector or, again, works notoriously appreciated by children. In general we can speak of children's books referring, for example, to books for six-year-olds up to books for 18-year-olds . Children's literature includes a wide range of genres, from adventure books to science fiction books to thriller books or mystery books . In addition to all this, the used books catalog of di mano in mano is then specialized in children's books , specifically you can find more than two hundred illustrated books , even among the most famous of all time such as walt disney books or books of fairy tales .
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Dei e eroi della mitologia egizia | Denis del pane | La carica dei 101 |
In general, the manuals sector refers to those works that deal with specific topics in the form of a manual . The world of publishing, in fact, does not only include classic books , poetry books , children's books and a thousand other genres, but there are numerous market niches and one of these is precisely that of publishing manuals , which specifically addresses , to those who want to learn a specific subject with the help of a guide designed specifically to teach the elements of a specific theory, science or technique. The manuals , therefore, can refer to many different topics, for example cookbooks are very common, or, going more into the specifics of this example, cookbooks for beginners . The used books catalog of di mano in mano certainly could not miss a section dedicated to manuals , with more than two hundred collector's books , on the most varied subjects, from sports books to esoteric books or, even, books on well-being .
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Il gourmet internazionale | Libro dei sogni ovvero la smorfia | Scoprire Riconoscere Usare le erbe |
Music can be defined as the art of conceiving and producing, both through the use of musical instruments and the voice, structured successions of simple or complex sounds. Music has very ancient origins and has evolved a great deal over the centuries, it is enough to think of the differences between 60s music and 90s music to realize this; moreover, and it is one of the universal cultural aspects of all human societies. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that music books can cover many different aspects and still be grouped under the same category " books that talk about music ". Starting from the general, music books can be books on the history of music and books for music enthusiasts ; they can be categorized by the type of music they cover, such as classical music books , jazz music , or rock music ; finally, music books are also those that tell the biography of an author or of a band that has become famous, such as the book on the history of queen , and books that collect the most famous works of an artist, such as books on the works of mozart . The used books catalog di mano in mano contains a section dedicated to music books , with more than five hundred volumes divided by sub-category. In addition to the books mentioned above, there are also opera books or Italian music books and many others, the catalog also contains opera librettos , i.e. a collection of dramatic compositions, mostly in verse, written specifically to offer text to the composer of a musical work .
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La musica nel mondo antico | Queen | Il martello degli dei - Led Zeppelin |
Fiction books refer to a literary genre which includes all texts of a narrative nature , therefore also fairy tales , bibliographies and poems , even if it is commonly limited to texts such as short stories , short stories and novels . Fiction books , therefore, do not include historiographical or non-fiction texts. Fiction then includes the narrative works of a language, such as Italian fiction books , or the literature of a period, such as contemporary fiction or classic fiction books , of a movement or of a specific literary taste, such as narrative fantasy . Fiction books can also refer to an individual author's works or his or her narrative art. Finally, they can be categorized according to the target audience: in bookstores, for example, it is common to find the categories fiction books for teenagers or children . The used books catalog of Di Mano in Mano has a rich collection of fiction books : more than five thousand volumes divided into the major macro categories such as Italian and foreign fiction , mystery books , fantasy fiction but also theater or the Greek and Latin classics .
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Casa di foglie | Fiori del mattino raccolti la sera | Il serpente dell'essex |
Poetry books mostly consist of collections of poems, famous examples being the collection of poems by Ungaretti , Montale or Pascoli , but these do not exclude books that collect comments on poems, ballads or even fiction books which contain poems. Like music books , poetry books can also be described and categorized according to the content of the poems, such as love poetry books or poems for women . Other rather used categorizations can refer to the origin of the poems, such as books that collect the most important Italian poems , or to the period in which a collection of poems refers, for example books of contemporary poetry . Di Mano in Mano's used book catalog includes a section dedicated to poetry books . It mainly contains books of Italian poetry , with some of the most famous Italian poets such as Luigi Lamberti, and books of foreign poetry containing works by French poets or English poets .
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La barca d'oro | La preghiera dei poveri | Quattro quartetti |
Politics and Society
Politics refers to the science and technology that has as its object of interest the construction, organization and administration of the state, as well as the direction of public life through decision-making power. Books on politics can therefore primarily refer to political science in general. Secondly, books on politics can refer to law, economics, ideologies, political theories and the politics of a single state, such as Italian politics books , but also deal with the same issues globally, such as international politics books . Books on politics also deal with the history of politics , such as books on the history of Italian politics , but they can also retrace the history of government systems that belonged to more ancient peoples, such as ancient Greece politics or ancient Rome politics . Politics is then treated by giving weight respectively to specific contents, as books on economic policy or political philosophy do. Society, on the other hand, refers to a set of individuals among whom forms of cooperation, collaboration and division of tasks are established, to ensure the survival of its members. Examples of types of books about society may be about contemporary society rather than sociology books . Di Mano in Mano's used book catalog has a section dedicated to politics and society , topics that are closely related to each other. The most popular books on politics stand out, such as books on Italian politics and international politics , books on law and economics ; but there are also many books that deal with more social issues, such as books on women or feminism .
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Il ruolo economico dello stato | L'America latina contemporanea | Una storia americana |
Religion refers to a complex of beliefs, feelings and rites that in some way bind an individual or a group of individuals to what they consider sacred, in particular to the divinity, or to the complex of dogmas and rites that constitute a given religious cult. Scholars of religion usually rely on books on theology , of a religious discipline that studies God or the characters that religions recognize as belonging to the divine as such, usually complete with their Bible dictionary . The five great religions are Buddhism , Islam , Hinduism , Judaism and Christianity , which implies that the most widespread religion books are those which concern precisely the latter, such as books on the history of Christianity , or on the history of church or, again, on the Jewish religion . Additional religion books may relate to the Bible and the Koran , the sacred books of the Christian religion and the Islamic religion. In the used books section of Di Mano in Mano you will find the category of religious books , especially books on Christianity , Judaism, Islam and other religions. There are also books on the history of religion and books on spirituality .
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Gesù nella storia | La preghiera | Tra il bene e il male |
Literature essays
An essay (literary essay) consists of a work written in prose , of a specific and monographic nature (that is, focused on a thesis), of limited extension. In an essay, the author analyzes a certain topic, which can be scientific, political, philosophical, literary, historical, artistic, etc. Among the essays on literature, essays on famous authors, such as essays on Leopardi , are not uncommon. Examples of short literary essays usually concern authors, such as short essays on Dante , Manzoni or Verga . In the Di Mano in Mano online library catalog there are various literature essays, in particular essays on Italian , classical and foreign literature . There are also numerous books on linguistics , which subject deals with the study of languages, or on philology , the discipline relating to the reconstruction and correct interpretation of the literary documents of a given culture, or even of classical culture .
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Alfabeto degli amici | Poema fisico e lustrale | Storia della letteratura russa |
Science is the set of disciplines based on observation, experience, calculation, which have nature and living beings as their object, and which make use of formalized languages. Science also studies physical and chemical natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, changes in the state of matter, etc. Thinking of science books , the first ones referred to are probably books on earth sciences , biology , chemistry , geology or natural sciences . Similar in scope of study, but more precise, may be books on ecology , zoology , and ethology . However, science books also include medical books , the more specific books on anatomy and psychology . Finally, books on physics , mathematics and astronomy cannot be missing among the sciences par excellence. In short, the category of science books is very broad, given that the very definition of science is also very broad. In the section dedicated to this kind of book, there are more than a thousand volumes in Di Mano in Mano!
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Il turista matematico | L'arcobaleno della vita | Il libro dei numeri |
human Sciences
The human sciences refer to the disciplines that study the human being in a scientific way, as a subject of thought and action, with the aim of understanding the causes and meaning of his behavior. The four disciplines that best embody the study of human behavior are psychology , sociology , cultural anthropology , and education and training sciences . It follows that the most popular human science books are precisely those focused on these subjects. In first place psychology books : general psychology , focused more on psychic and cognitive processes, social psychology , a branch of psychology more focused on the interaction between people and developmental psychology books, which instead focus on continuous modifications and physical changes, emotional, affective, relational, cognitive and behavioral that occur in the human being. These also include books on the psychology of adolescence , a delicate period for development. Sociology books, on the other hand, focus on the phenomena of human society, investigating their effects and causes, in relation to the individual. A different discipline is anthropology , the books of cultural anthropology, in particular, examine the human being in his historical, cultural, linguistic, social, economic, geographical and ethnological characteristics, highlighting the social, behavioral structures and methods of collective action. Finally, among the sciences of education and training, for example, there are books on pedagogy , related to education. In Di Mano in Mano's used books catalog there is a section dedicated to books dealing with the human sciences : more than a thousand volumes of books on psychology and more than two thousand books on sociology and pedagogy.
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La babele dell'inconscio | Etnie in transito | E-government in azione |
The most popular books dealing with the subject of show business are probably books by show business personalities , which trace its origins and chronicle its successes. In second place in this sector can be found books on cinema and books on theater , probably the two main forms of entertainment in this world. Theater refers to an ancient form of expression, linked to the individual's way of being towards society, a form that says something essential about the nature of society, about that of the individual and about the relationship between one and the other. 'other. Theater books can therefore be books on the history of the theater , starting for example from ancient Greece to today's theater, but also the script , book format, of a theatrical performance, or theater books that refer to a specific audience , such as children's drama books or children's drama books . A similar discourse can also be made for books on cinema , finding books on the history of cinema , from the beginning of the 1900s to today. In this case, the books can be specific by type, and retrace, for example, the history of Italian cinema or documentary cinema . Many theater books and cinema books make up Di Mano in Mano's online library. Discover the entire used book catalog here, and the specific section dedicated to the entertainment category here.
I libri più popolari che trattano il tema dello spettacolo sono probabilmente i libri di personaggi dello spettacolo, che ne ripercorrono le origini e ne raccontano i successi. Al secondo posto in questo settore si possono trovare i libri sul cinema e i libri sul teatro, probabilmente le due principali forme di intrattenimento in questo mondo. Il teatro si riferisce ad un’antica forma di espressione, legata al modo di essere dell’individuo verso la società, una forma che dice qualcosa di essenziale sulla natura della società, su quella dell’individuo e sul rapporto fra l’una e l’altro. I libri di teatro possono quindi essere libri sulla storia del teatro, partendo ad esempio dall’antica grecia fino al teatro di oggi, ma anche il copione, formato libro, di uno spettacolo teatrale, o i libri di teatro che si riferiscono ad un pubblico specifico, come i libri di teatro per ragazzi o i libri di teatro per bambini. Anche per i libri sul cinema si può fare un discorso analogo, ritrovando libri sulla storia del cinema, dagli inizi del ‘900 ad oggi. In questo caso, i libri possono essere specifici per tipologia, e ripercorrere ad esempio la storia del cinema italiano o, ancora, del cinema documentario. Molti libri di teatro e libri di cinema compongono la libreria online di Di Mano in Mano. Scopri qui l’intero catalogo di libri usati, e qui la sezione specifica dedicata alla categoria spettacolo.
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Il teatro | I fratelli Marx | Agamènnuni l'orestea di gibellina |
Before being able to describe the category of history books , it is advisable to keep in mind the difference between history and historiography: the first means the search for important facts, while historiography is the science that studies the past and the set of methods used by historians to develop their research, as well as the complex of historical works written in a given period or based on a given subject, of which the products are often history books . Starting from history books, they can first of all concern a specific historical period, starting with ancient history books and continuing with medieval history , modern history books and contemporary history books. Given the amount of material, it is common for the theme of the volume to focus even only on a particular civilization, such as books on the history of ancient Rome for example. A history book can then concern a particular country, for example books on the history of Italy are common, but also those concerning a small town, as in local history books . Even a particularly relevant historical fact can be the subject of a history book, such as books on the World Wars or books on the Punic Wars , as well as historical biographies of notable people or historical memoirs . Historiography books, on the other hand, focus more on the historical method, on the figure of the historian's work, rather than on the history of historiography itself, on its evolution: Roman historiography , for example, will be different from Greek historiography . The catalog of used books in the Di Mano in Mano online library has many history books in the section dedicated to them. In addition to the major categories of history books, i.e. ancient, contemporary , medieval , modern history books , historical memoirs and biographies , there are also archeology books .
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Fabula mistica | L'impero degli Asburgo | L'uomo e la natura |
Travel and Guides
Travel books can have different natures: they can be autobiographical, and therefore books about true travel stories , or books that talk about invented travel ; they can be technical, as in the case of books on geographical explorations and travel guides ; moreover they can be related to a more or less specific destination, as in the case of books on the mountain or books on the sea , which refer to a more general destination, or to a particular city. It often happens that a travel book is illustrated. The catalog of used books in the Di Mano in Mano online bookstore contains the category of travel books and guides , with a focus on travel literature , travel guides and books on geographic exploration.
Ancient Books and First Editions
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Il gallo di ferro | Il romanzo di Costantinopoli | Un veneziano alla corte Moghul |
In the standard classification of the book, the year 1830 is adopted as the watershed: therefore we speak of ancient books for all previous printings. Ancient books are printed books that have been produced manually, i.e. with a press and not with mass mechanical procedures. Early books certainly include first editions : they can be the first book by an author, the first edition of a famous novel , or even the first mention of a beloved character.
In Di Mano in Mano, old books and first editions are considered real treasures: we are primarily involved in the sale of old books , but our experts are also committed to providing a careful valuation of old books . Browse the catalog and also discover all the rare books !
The online library also allows you to browse the section dedicated to the first editions : a rich collection that ranges from biographies to science books , from history books to psychology books , from theater to poetry and from manuals to essays .