Cinema Amarcord B-Movies

Cinema Amarcord B-Movies

Cinema from A of Author to Z of Zombie (passing from B of B-Movies)

Milan turns red with an exhibition dedicated to cinema with a very particular "cut".

Are you passionate about cinema and do great directors , their stories and their films exalt you? Do you get carried away by amarcord in black and white , with breathtaking photography , memorable characters , and that pasty grain of the old film on screen?

But are you also the ones who are looked at a little strange by friends because you know every single true crime series, remain impassive in front of gory scenes and are you the only ones who don't jump on the sofa during a horror movie? Well, then maybe you really are a little weird.

But we do not judge, on the contrary. We dedicate a strictly two-stage market exhibition to you with a short interval.

First half : from 30 August to 06 September, viale Espinasse 99.
Second half : 09 and 10 September in Cambiago, via Castellazzo 8.
Inside the exhibition space you will first find a series of books and DVDs dedicated to great authors such as Lynch, Welles, Kubrick, Kitano, Keaton, Tarantino . In short: pieces of history and culture to treat yourself and give away, to explore or share with someone who is as much a film buff as you are.

Once you have had your fill of high cinematic culture, you can go without hesitation to browse through books and DVDs dedicated to unobtainable horror films , to B-movies so B as to become memorabilia, so 60s/70s as to acquire a vintage charm, splatter in such a blatant way that - perhaps - not even the most fearful of you will fall for it.

But we haven't finished with genres : we continue with westerns, science fiction, Italian detective stories, martial arts ... with all the most improbable contaminations.

Popcorn and chips for everyone then, ready for a movie binge watching and a film reading marathon in an overwhelming nonsense of genres.

So, to recap:
- from 30 August to 06 September, viale Espinasse 99,
- 09 and 10 September in Cambiago, via Castellazzo 8.
For info: 331 6933677.

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Warning: after the end credits, we advise you to take a look under the bed, which, however, you never know.