The landscape of Alessandro Catalani

View of the lake

Code: ARARNO0048273

not available
The landscape of Alessandro Catalani

View of the lake

Code: ARARNO0048273

not available

The landscape of Alessandro Catalani - View of the lake


View of the lake

Artist:  Alessandro Catalani (1897-1942)

Artwork title:  Veduta lacustre

Age:  20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject:  Views/City Glimpses

Artistic technique:  Drawing

Technical specification:  Watercolor

Description : Veduta lacustre

Watercolor on cardboard. Signed in the lower right. Alessandro Catalani, born in Jesi, italy, he studied in Rome where he took part in many collective exhibitions. The great idealist, he participated with enthusiasm to the new fascist culture, and left a remarkable impression with his works ("The battle of the grain" won the gold medal at the Competition of the national Opera). Its landscapes, made with oil watercolor paintings, became well-known for the soft colours and the brush strokes loose. It was very well known and appreciated also abroad, especially in London where there are a large part of his watercolours, including the series of views in london. In the throes of a crisis of despair, he died very young in Milan. The watercolor is presented in the frame of the years '30-'40.

Product Condition:
Product in good condition, has small signs of wear and tear.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 90
Width: 120
Depth: 5

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 70
Width: 100

Additional Information

Artist: Alessandro Catalani (1897-1942)

Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject: Views/City Glimpses

Artistic technique: Drawing

Il disegno è il processo di tracciare segni su una superficie tramite l'applicazione di una pressione o il trascinamento di un apposito strumento sulla superficie. Gli strumenti sono: matite in grafite o colorate, penna, pennelli fini con inchiostro, pastelli a cera o carboncini; i supporti tradizionali più frequenti sono carta, cartoncino, tavola, muro, tela, rame, vetro.

Technical specification: Watercolor