Drawing by Antonio Oberto 20th Century

St. Martino donating his cape

Code: ARARNO0075291

not available
Drawing by Antonio Oberto 20th Century

St. Martino donating his cape

Code: ARARNO0075291

not available

Drawing by Antonio Oberto 20th Century - St. Martino donating his cape


St. Martino donating his cape

Artist:  Antonio Oberto (1872-1954)

Artwork title:  San Martino dona il suo mantello

Age:  20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject:  Sacred Subject

Origin:  Italy

Artistic technique:  Drawing

Technical specification:  Pencil on Paper

Description : San Martino dona il suo mantello

Pencil on paper. Signed at the bottom right. Drawing of a pavese painter whose production, after a short modernist period, was close to a traditional lombard post-impressionist at the turn of the two centuries. The main themes were views of Pavia and glimpses od Ticino represented with fast and vibrand brushings and with 19th century angles. He also received several public commissions for the decoration of numerous monuments and buildings of the city of Pavia, in which he frescoed historical and mythological scenes. The design here proposed tells the most well-known episode of the life of St Martin, the young soldier of the Roman imperial army who cut in two his cloak to make a gift to a poor beggar, and who later converted to Christianity. The design is presented in the frame.

Product Condition:
Fair condition. Wear consistent with age and use.

Frame Size (cm):
Height: 72
Width: 56,5
Depth: 2

Artwork dimensions (cm):
Height: 59
Width: 43

Additional Information

Artist: Antonio Oberto (1872-1954)

Antonio Oberto, born in Baselica Bologna in 1872, a town in the province of Pavia, attended the Civic School of Painting for ten years under the guidance of Pietro Michis, obtaining all the main awards, the Cairoli Prize, in 1889 and 1890 and the Frank Prize in 1894 with a painting of the civil history of Pavia. In 1897 he participated in the Brera Triennale and, again in Milan, he exhibited in 1901 at the Società Permanente di Belle Arti, where he was present assiduously from 1912 to 1921. Oberto also took part in the Pavia exhibitions: in 1909 at the First Pavese Art Exhibition, in 1913 at the National Fine Arts Exhibition, in 1927 at the First Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition and in the trade union exhibitions of the 1930s. With the exception of the years between the two centuries, in which Oberto showed an interest in modernist stylistic and formal solutions, his subsequent production did not distance himself from the Lombard post-impressionist tradition; his main subjects are views of Pavia and landscape views of Ticino, represented with late nineteenth-century angles and with rapid and vibrant brushstrokes, but he carried out numerous public commissions for the decoration of the new pavilions of the Monumental Cemetery, of the Ghislieri College, of the San Matteo, of the Chamber of Commerce, Post Office and the Provincial Administration of Pavia, where he frescoed historical and mythological scenes with a loose, lively and chromatically effective language. Antonio Oberto died in Pavia in 1954.

Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000

20th Century / 1901 - 2000

Subject: Sacred Subject

Artistic technique: Drawing

Il disegno è il processo di tracciare segni su una superficie tramite l'applicazione di una pressione o il trascinamento di un apposito strumento sulla superficie. Gli strumenti sono: matite in grafite o colorate, penna, pennelli fini con inchiostro, pastelli a cera o carboncini; i supporti tradizionali più frequenti sono carta, cartoncino, tavola, muro, tela, rame, vetro.

Technical specification: Pencil on Paper

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