Le nuove sfide per l'OMC a dieci anni dalla sua istituzione - Atti del convegno Alessandria, 8 ottobre 2004
Atti del convegno Alessandria, 8 ottobre 2004
Author: Gabriella Venturini, Giuseppe Coscia, Michele Vellano
Publisher: Giuffrè editore
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 2005
Necklace: University of Eastern Piedmont "Amedeo Avogadro" 15
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Cover with yellowing, dust spots and signs of wear at the edges and corners. Cuts yellowed and with traces of dust. Pages yellowed at the edges. Signature of possession on the flyleaf. Writing and underlining in pencil n.t.
Pages: XVI; 372
Format: Paperback
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