In occasione del XXXVI Congresso della Società geologica italiana. Piacenza (16-22 settembre 1923) Lettera di Gabriele d'Annunzio recata al Presidente del Congresso dal tenente aviatore Costantino Cattoi
Author: Gabriele D'Annunzio
Publisher: s.e.
Year of publication: [1923]
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Rather crumpled binding with browning, dust spots, small tears at the edges and a more important one on the front cover where the title is imprinted in red; lacks in the spine and in the lower corner of the cover; the cards are joined with discolored ribbon (originally white, red and green). Slightly burnished papers, well preserved showing: Semper Adamas, First Naval Squadron, The Commander. In facsimile of autograph.
Pages: (2cc), 6cc
Format: In fourth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 34
Width: 24
In the unmistakable handwriting of the poet, a letter to Mario Cermenati. geologist and politician, known by D'Annunzio "in the shadow of the Italian wings in the sky of Lombardy, in a time of obstinate will and boundless hopes". A fervent interventionist, Cermenati volunteered in 1915. To the geologists gathered in the congress, who were studying the possibility of oil wells on Italian soil, the poet left a motto "The oil, and the new life of Italia nova!
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