Art Decò Table Maple - Italy XX Century
Style: Art Deco (1920-1950)
Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000
Origin: Italy
Main essence: Maple
Material: Maple Burl
Art Decò table supported by a side baluster and two characteristic side uprights resting on a shelf. In various essences, it is veneered in maple burl.
Product Condition:
Product that due to age and wear requires restoration and resumption of polishing.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 79,5
Width: 165,5
Depth: 100,5
Additional Information
Style: Art Deco (1920-1950)
The name Art-Decò derives from the exhibition held in Paris in 1925, which was called the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Arts and was the successor of the Liberty style.Art-Decò is a stylistic historical period formed after the Liberty floral period, shortly after the end of the First World War.
There was an almost radical change anticipated by the growth of the Precisionist movement and that of Cubism (in art), the Art-Decò furnishings were characterized by decidedly more rigid lines and the presence of geometric figures, definitively abandoning the sinuous and moved lines , of objects and furnishings, of the previous Liberty period.
It was established from the dawn of 1915 until the early 30's.
This style was transversal and major exponents were created in the most diverse art forms, from urban architecture to painting, from sculpture to glass masters, from the production of objects as a complement to furnishings to jewelry.
Age: 20th Century / 1901 - 2000
20th Century / 1901 - 2000Main essence: Maple
Hard, light wood used for inlays. It grows mainly in Austria, but it is widespread throughout the northern hemisphere, from Japan to North America, passing through China and Europe. It is one of the lightest woods ever, tending to white, it is similar to lime or birch wood. The briar is used in the production of ancient secretaires .Material: Maple Burl
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