Il sistema fragile - I mass media in Italia tra politica e mercato
I mass media in Italia tra politica e mercato
Author: Paolo Mancini
Publisher: Carocci editore
Place of printing: Rome
Year of publication: 2002
Necklace: Higher education / 418. Communication Sciences
In questo volume viene tracciato un agile profilo critico del sistema delle comunicazioni di massa in Italia, con particolare riferimento alla televisione e al mondo della carta stampata, nonché ai rapporti tra mass media e vita politica.
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Cover with yellowing, dust spots and signs of wear at the edges and corners. Cuts yellowed and with traces of dust. Pages yellowed / browned at the edges. Text in Italian language.
ISBN Code: 8843024477
EAN: 9788843024476
Pages: 140
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 22
New updated edition.
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