Desid. Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia - Nunc emendatiora. Cum omnium Notis
Nunc emendatiora. Cum omnium Notis
Author: Erasmo da Rotterdam
Publisher: Typis Ludovici Elzevirii
Place of printing: Amsterdam
Year of publication: 1650
Product Condition:
Example in fair condition. Half leather binding with gilt titles and decorations and embossed decorations on the spine: the titles and decorations on the spine are rather faded, the caps are creased and the leather has several serious abrasions; dishes ruined with severe peeling; peeling at the edges and corners. Graying cuts with dust spots and blooms. Counterplates with writings in pencil and ink; the front pastedown has a dark circle in the center and a lack of paper lining at the upper outer corner. The endpapers are missing, both front and back. Papers in general well preserved with small imperfections: tiny annotation at the lower edge of the title page; brown spot on the lateral edge from the beginning of the volume up to A5 and from the S interior to the Y interior; two small brown spots in E and O5; tiny lack at the inferior corner in L2; brown spot from N2 to N4 and in Mm; blooms from Z5 to Z7; missing at the lateral edge in Mm3 and hole in the center of the paper Nn3, both due to burns, with damage to the text. Typographical error in the signature of the cards inside the Cc; the quinterno Nn is composed of 4 cc and not 8. Text in Latin.
Pages: (8),589,(1)
Format: In the twenty-fourth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 12
Width: 6
This edition of Erasmus' Colloquia, a work that was enormously popular between the 16th and 17th centuries, represents a typical example of the editorial model of the renowned Dutch publishing house linked to the Elzevir family: "pocket" format, but extreme accuracy and clarity of characters. great care in the typographical appearance. Nice engraved frontispiece: Erasmus talks with two characters, in the background a garden framed by an arch.
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