Origine dei feudi nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia. Loro usi e leggi feudali relative alla prammatica emanata dall'Augusto Ferdinando IV per la retta intelligenza del Capitolo Volentes. Osservazioni del Consigliere Giacinto Dragonetti unito a Rimostranza del caporuota e consultore D. Saverio Simonetti sulla reversione dei feudi di Sicilia al Regio Fisco nel caso della mancanza dei feudatari senza legittimi successori in grado

Author: Giacinto Dragonetti, Saverio Simonetti

Code: LIPSDI0235702

195.00 € *
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Origine dei feudi nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia. Loro usi e leggi feudali relative alla prammatica emanata dall'Augusto Ferdinando IV per la retta intelligenza del Capitolo Volentes. Osservazioni del Consigliere Giacinto Dragonetti unito a Rimostranza del caporuota e consultore D. Saverio Simonetti sulla reversione dei feudi di Sicilia al Regio Fisco nel caso della mancanza dei feudatari senza legittimi successori in grado

Author: Giacinto Dragonetti, Saverio Simonetti

Code: LIPSDI0235702

195.00 € *
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Origine dei feudi nei regni di Napoli e Sicilia. Loro usi e leggi feudali relative alla prammatica emanata dall'Augusto Ferdinando IV per la retta intelligenza del Capitolo Volentes. Osservazioni del Consigliere Giacinto Dragonetti unito a Rimostranza del caporuota e consultore D. Saverio Simonetti sulla reversione dei feudi di Sicilia al Regio Fisco nel caso della mancanza dei feudatari senza legittimi successori in grado



Publisher:  Tipografia di Francesco Lao

Place of printing:  Palermo

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Fairly worn half-vellum binding with titles on a partly abraded leather tag and cardboard covers: gilded friezes, dirt stains and abrasions on the spine; serious abrasions on the covers, edges and corners. Watermark clearly visible between the front pastedown and the first flyleaf and between the back pastedown and the last flyleaf. Yellow edges with dust stains, particularly darkened those at the head. Tiny annotation on the back pastedown. Collational formula 1-28⁸, 29⁴. Well-preserved leaves, with foxing in the margins. Ownership signature on the title page. Pen traces in the side margins in 2.8 and 3; small brown stains in 17.7 and 17.8. Text in Italian.

Pages:  400,54,(2)

Format:  In eighth

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  20
Width:  12


As indicated by the publisher in the title of the title page (Collection of works regarding the feudalism of Sicily) and in the Introduction, the volume fits into the debate on feudal law in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by reprinting the work of the magistrate and tax expert Giacinto Dragonetti, published in 1788, and following it with the Remonstrance on the reversion of the Feudi in Sicily of 1786 by Saverio Simonetti. The two works address the controversy on the legitimacy of the incorporation of fiefs into the Royal Bourbon Fisco in the event of the lack of a legitimate heir. Dragonetti, an official of the Bourbon Kingdom, president of the Gran Corte della Vicaria, personally involved in the Jacobin revolution of 1799 and in the reign of Murat, supports in this work the Bourbon reformist policy in opposition to the baronial jurisdictions and the opinions of many jurists of the time, along the lines of Filangieri. In Simonetti's Remonstrance we have a historical and legal overview of the situation in Sicily, with an appendix containing a detailed description of the situation of numerous fiefs on the island.

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