Raccolta di N. 100 soggetti li più rimarchevoli dell'Istoria romana inventati ed incisi da Bartolomeo Pinelli Romano illustrata da Fulvia Bertocchi
Author: Bartolomeo Pinelli , Fulvia Bertocchi
Publisher: Vincenzo Poggioli
Place of printing: Rome
Year of publication: 1821
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Half cloth binding with corners, with titles on the spine and front cover: spine unglued at the front hinge with gilt and dry-stamped decorations: minimal losses and abrasions, . Tag on the front cover, with title framed by gilt decoration, partially abraded. Abrasions on the front cover and to a minimal extent also on the edges and corners. Brown edges, with traces of dust: the color on the head cuts is slightly faded. Papers in good condition, with browned edges and minimal foxing. The text leaves have folds, more accentuated in the first part and more nuanced towards the end. On the engraving leaves the foxing increases in number and intensity, in particular in the second half; minimal pencil annotation on the back of the last engraving. Ownership signatures and dark stain on the title page, which appears rather worn. Text in Italian and French.
Pages: 87,(1),101 tables
Format: In eighth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 24
Width: 34
The history of this collection of engravings is interesting: Bartolomeo Pinelli, a famous Roman engraver, had published in 1816 with the Scudellari publisher a collection of 101 plates dedicated to Roman history. The success of the work had generated the project of a new, cheaper edition, at the price of 6 scudi, composed of the same plates redrawn with the linear technique made famous in that period by the works of Flaxman; this edition was published by the Fabri publisher in 1820. At the same time, a parallel work dedicated to Greek history was published by Fabri, in which the engraved plates were preceded by explanatory texts composed by the erudite Roman noblewoman Fulvia Bertocchi. However, taking advantage of the ownership of the engraved plates, in 1821 Pinelli agreed with the competing publisher Vincenzo Poggioli on a new edition of the Istoria Romana, adding to the Fabri edition the descriptions written specifically by Fulvia Bertocchi. And this is the edition of the volume that we present, complete with its 101 plates: the 100 numbered plates with episodes of Roman history and 1 unnumbered plate, which precedes the 100 plates in our volume and which depicts the apparition of Rome to Bartolomeo Pinelli who receives from her the task of illustrating its history. The text of the captions, which precedes the collection of plates, is presented in two columns, in Italian and in French
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