Antique Gothic Chest Silver Fir Italy XVI Century - Vento, XVI Century
Vento, XVI Century
Style: Gothic (1150-1460)
Age: 16th Century / 1501 - 1600
Origin: Veneto, Italy
Main essence: Silver Fir , Walnut
Material: Carved Wood
Late Gothic walnut chest, Veneto, 16th century. Decorated with eight panels carved directly into the solid wood, four on the front and two on each side, depicting rosettes, frets and typical elements of the Gothic style. Standing on feral feet. Fir interior. Plan with restorations and replacements; a backrest board and the under-top band were also replaced.
Product Condition:
Product which due to age and wear requires restoration and re-polishing. We try to present the real state of the furniture as completely as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is stated in the description applies.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 56,5
Width: 145
Depth: 57
Restoration options
Complete restoration
Trattamento antitarlo, incollaggio pezzetto fronte piano, igienizzazione e inceraturaAdditional Information
Style: Gothic (1150-1460)
The denomination of Gotico embraces a very vast period: from the second half of the 12th century to the entire half of the 15th century, for this reason the characteristics and stylistic features of its aesthetics cannot be precisely identified.In any case, it is an artistic phenomenon that presents its own basic homogeneity.
It was born and developed eminently as an architectural style and, as such, from the search for linearity and verticality in lightening the walls by replacing them with other load-bearing structures to open large windows.
The Gothic was also active and significant in the so-called minor arts, because the socio-economic conditions that led to the growth of the urban bourgeois class increased the demand for objects for domestic use.
In particular, there are objects for furniture (carved wooden walls), for practical needs (coffins, caskets, trunks, benches, pottery) and for personal devotion (small altars, kneelers, chalices, ...).
The decorative elements of this style are derived from the architecture: pinnacles, pointed arches, cusps, ...
Find out more about the Gothic with our insights:
FineArt: Pair of Gothic style armor
Age: 16th Century / 1501 - 1600
16th Century / 1501 - 1600Main essence:
Silver Fir
Soft coniferous wood, used for rustic furniture or to build the chest, that is the structure, of furniture then veneered in more precious woods. It has been used since ancient times, its most valuable use is, in the Spruce variant, in the inlays of French antique furniture of the '700 . The spruce, more typical of northern Europe, in Italy grows mainly in the Eastern Alps at altitudes above 1300 m. The noblest use of this essence was in the construction of violins, guitars and cellos: Stradivari himself produced his famous violins with this wood.Walnut
Walnut wood comes from the plant whose botanical name is juglans regia , probably originally from the East but very common in Europe. Light or dark brown in color, it is a hard wood with a beautiful grain, widely used in antique furniture. It was the main essence in Italy throughout the Renaissance and later had a good diffusion in Europe, especially in England, until the advent of mahogany. It was used for solid wood furniture and sometimes carvings and inlays, its only big limitation is that it suffers a lot from woodworm. In France it was widely used more than anything else in the provinces. In the second half of the eighteenth century its use decreased significantly because mahogany and other exotic woods were preferred.Material: Carved Wood
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