Antique Venetian Mirror Glass Gilded Frame Italy XVIII Century - Venice, Late XVIII Century
Venice, Late XVIII Century
Style: Barocchetto (1720-1770)
Age: 18th Century / 1701 - 1800
Origin: Venezia, Veneto, Italy
Venetian mirror with carved and gilded shaped frame, enclosing acid-etched mirrors decorated with characteristic ornamental motifs; central mirror replaced, the frame was partially re-gilded.
Product Condition:
Product which due to age and wear requires restoration and re-polishing. We try to present the real state of the furniture as completely as possible with photos. If some details are not clear from the photos, what is stated in the description applies.
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 177,5
Width: 114
Depth: 6
Additional Information
Style: Barocchetto (1720-1770)
This term refers, specifically to furniture, to a part of the production carried out in Italy in the period between the Rococo era and the first phase of neoclassicism.It is characterised by the formal and decorative structure still rigidly in adherence to the dictates dear to the Baroque period (hence the term barocchetto) and to the Louis XIV fashions and yet the new times can be seen in the adoption of smaller volumes, more elegant decorative modules, often directly inspired by French fashion, but always executed with rigorous principles of ornamental symmetry.
The tendency to assimilate formal and volumetric innovations but not to incorporate their ornamental elaboration finds a natural explanation in Italy in the fact that in this century the great aristocracy is experiencing an unstoppable political and economic decline.
If in the previous century there was a great profusion of furnishings intended to decorate recently built homes, to proudly show the power of the commissioning family, in In the 18th century, the focus was on updating the building with only the furniture strictly necessary for the new needs imposed by fashion or functional needs.
The old scenographic apparatus was maintained and the new must not contrast too much.
Find out more about the Barocchetto with our insights:
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Age: 18th Century / 1701 - 1800
18th Century / 1701 - 1800Other customers have searched:
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Product availability
The product can be seen at Cambiago
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Ready for delivery within 2 working days from ordering the product.